A Peek Inside the Spring 2023 Edition of the AILA Law Journal
AILA Law Journal Editor-in-Chief Cyrus Mehta gives a look inside the Spring 2023 edition with articles from leading experts and next-generation leaders, writing that “Immigration law’s complexities and nuances mean many of us as practitioners feel like we are on the cutting edge every day.”
Looking into the Crystal Ball: What Do We Expect With the End of Title 42?
Amy Grenier, Jennifer Whitlock, and Taylor Levy share their insights into what the end of Title 42 is expected to bring, urging the Biden administration to protect vulnerable asylum seekers by ensuring meaningful access to asylum and legal counsel under both international and national asylum law.
Reopening America’s Doors to Immigration Requires Addressing the Visa Backlog
AILA member Dominique Pando Bucci shares insights into the backlogs facing businesses trying to bring foreign talent to the U.S. and families trying to reunite due to Department of State backlogs and highlights AILA’s recommendations for reopening America’s doors.
Making the Case for Nurse H-1Bs
In this blog post, AILA Media Advocacy Committee member Adam Cohen highlights why the Biden administration “must do more to allow foreign nurses to bring their desperately needed skills to the U.S.” in particular by rescinding the 2015 memo that prevents eligibility for most nurse positions under the H-1B visa program.
This is the Year of the Tiger; Let’s Start 2022 with Courage and Compassion
AILA Media Advocacy Committee Vice Chair Evangeline Chan reflects on the meaning of the Lunar New Year which will usher in the Year of the Tiger on February 1, 2022, urging all of us to be courageous and compassionate and fight injustice this year.
Family Separations that First Occurred Under the Trump Muslim and Africa Bans Continue
In this blog post, AILA Media Advocacy Committee members Roujin Mozaffarimehr and Ally Bolour share insights about the lack of action to reunite families since the Muslim ban was rescinded nearly a year ago and the continued damage caused by discriminatory bans.
When Clients Die – How COVID-19 Has Affected Me and How I Am Learning to Cope
In this blog post, AILA member Vaman Kidambi shares his experiences learning to cope as clients are taken by COVID-19 and ways he has learned to try and maintain balance in this extremely difficult time.
America Closed for Immigration: The COVID-19 Visa Backlog
AILA member Dominique Pando Bucci digs into the data, showing the massive increases in backlogged visa issuances and highlights six ways attorneys can help their clients, as well as how and why the Biden administration needs to take action.
Taking Pro Bono Virtual
AILA Pro Bono Committee Chair Adonia Simpson offers reasons engaging virtually on pro bono activities can be efficient and effective and highlights some easy to plug into opportunities for AILA members.
An Immigrant’s Reflection on the 2020 Election Results
AILA member Paschal O. Nwokocha shares his insights as an immigrant and immigration attorney about the work to be done post-election and how we all can work together to ensure that “America is once more open to the world.”