
The Healthcare Crisis and Smart Immigration Solution that Congress Needed to Hear About

AILA member Sarah Peterson testified before Congress recently about the need for immigration reform to help immigrant healthcare workers and also benefit U.S. communities that desperately need trained doctors and nurses; in this blog post she describes two pieces of legislation that could make a real difference.

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Black Immigrant History is Part of Black History Month

In this blog post, part of the AILA Diversity & Inclusion series, AILA Second Vice President Allen Orr recognizes Black History Month, shares important research and analysis, and writes, “In the drive for immigration reform, black immigrants must not be forgotten or left out of the equation.”

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Tearing Down the Wall and Building Bridges

This blog post is adapted from the president’s installation speech given by Anastasia Tonello, June 14, 2018 in San Francisco; she shares her message to AILA members and goals for her presidential year.

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