Gerardo Villegas Juarez is an AILA Law Student Member and a 3rd Year law student at the St Mary’s University School of Law in San Antonio, Texas. He is a recipient of the selective AILA DEI Committee Law Student Scholarship this year.

Anthony is a 2L at the University of San Francisco School of Law. Anthony has worked on employment-based and humanitarian-based immigration cases.

Stanislav Shamayev is a market-leading licensed business immigration attorney. A founder of Shamayev Business Law - a Miami-based immigration law company that helps people from all around the world to immigrate to the U.S.

Taylor Flores is an AILA student member and a third-year law student at Golden Gate University School of Law in the Honors Lawyering Program (San Francisco, CA). Being the daughter of an immigrant and first-generation American and law student, she is especially passionate about advocating for immigrant rights and protections through the legal system. Taylor plans to continue to work in family-based and employment-based immigration after finishing law school in the spring.

Victoria Neilson is a supervising attorney at the National Immigration Project (NIPNLG) where her work focuses on asylum, border issues, removal, and trial skills trainings. She is co-chair of AILA's National Asylum Committee and a member of AILA’s NY EOIR Committee. She has previously worked at Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Immigrant Justice Corps, and Immigration Equality, and has taught as an adjunct professor at CUNY School of Law and NYU Law School.

Helen Tarokic, Esq. manages an immigration law firm in Wilmington NC. An active AILA member since 2006, she is a NC Board Certified Immigration Law Specialist and the receipient of the AILA Sam Williamson Mentor Award. Jesse M. Bless manages Bless Litigation LLC in Georgetown MA and Charleston, South Carolina. He’s the former Director of Litigation for AILA and a renowned gunslinger.

Sofia Rosales-Zeledon is AILA's Grassroots Advocacy Associate, helping members engage with national advocacy campaigns around AILA's priority areas.

Lory D. Rosenberg is a lawyer, mentor, and certified coach, senior advisor at Immigrant Defender Law Group, and of counsel at AG Immigration. She currently is active in efforts to defend due process and end egregious immigration enforcement. She previously served as an appellate judge on the Board of Immigration Appeals. Susan G. Roy began her legal career as an attorney advisor at the Board of Immigration Appeals. She became a national security attorney for Immigration and Customs Enforcement and finished out her government service as an immigration judge. Sue is now in private practice, specializing in complex immigration cases. Sue is the Immediate Past Chair, AILA New Jersey Chapter, and serves on the National AILA-EOIR Committee. She is a member of the Round Table of Former Immigration Judges and is an adjunct professor at Rutgers University Law School. Paul Schmidt is an Adjunct Professor Law at Georgetown Law. He is a retired U.S. Immigration Judge and former Chair of the Board of Immigration Appeals.
Rekha Sharma-Crawford is an elected director for AILA BOG and is on the board for NIP NLG. In 2021, Rekha was nationally recognized by AILA by being awarded the Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award for excellence in advancing the practice of immigration law. The Johnson County Bar Association honored Rekha with the Advocate Attorney Award. She also is the author of her children’s book, Aaliyah the Brave: Empowering Children Coping with Immigration Enforcement.

Curtis F.J. Doebbler is a Research Professor, Department of Law, University of Makeni, Sierra Leone, and Visiting Professor of Law at Webster University, Geneva. Doebbler served as an attorney with the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) in San Antonio, Texas, from early 2018 to mid-2021. Elisa Fornalé is an SNSF Professor at the World Trade Institute, University of Bern.